How to Create a Cute Hippo Character in Vector .This tutorial will show you how to create cute Hippo Character using simple shapes and a really simple effective drawing technique . This technique has been adopted from recent addition to the store of Animal Head Graphic Set , latest addition to the store. Here is how it is done.
Preview of the final image
Step 1
Create Head of Hippo!
Using oval tool draw a simple oval shape . Use select ool to modify the shape and then place a copy of the oval shape over the modified oval shape.
Step 2
Create Ears for the Vector Character Hippo!
Start off by creating an oval , adjust the node to create a slightly elongated shape. Use offset path to create a copy inside the first shape.
Step 3
Fill with color the Hippo Head created in Step 1 , and arrange the Hippo Ears over the Head. here is how
Step 4
Step 5
Create a rectangular shape to create a tooth and reflect the tooth to create a copy.
Step 6
Create a black outline for the illustrated head reserve 2 copies.
Step 7
As you see in the final image there are a light grey outline to the illustration , use second copy of the expanded head and give it a grey stroke.
Step 8
Making Arms of Hippo Character
Step 9
Assembling the Character
Step 10
Step 11
As in step 6 and 7 add black stroke and grey stroke to the arm and >right click >arrange> send to back
Adjusting the arms to the head you will get something similar like this
Step 13
A rectangular shape was added behind the illustration of the character.
Step 14
Use some fun font to write the text Hippo! , i used (SF Slapstick Comic Shaded) downloaded from
Step 15
Right click the text and create outlines. While selecting the text area use paint bucket to fill with color.
Finished image!
[private] [download id=”29″][/private]
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Very cute! Thanks!