WEEK #1 – ABCs OF Art – A is for Architecture #abcsofArt #‎Doneitnow2015‬

artalphabets WEEK #1 - ABCs OF Art - A is for Architecture #abcsofArt #‎Doneitnow2015‬

WEEK #1 – ABCs OF Art – A is for Architecture 

By the simplest definition, architecture is the design of buildings, executed by architects. However, it is more. It is the expression of thought in building. It is not simply construction, the piling of stones or the spanning of spaces with steel girders. It is the intelligent creation of forms and spaces that in themselves express an idea.



Construction becomes intelligent…

TEXT FROM kids.britannica.com

Join my Weekly drawing fun #abcsofArt #‎Doneitnow2015‬

My 10 New Year Resolutions as a Struggling Artist

#Done-it! (1)

1- Get inspired 

I know there is sometimes a very thin line between getting inspired and sometimes you are sure to adopt it as is . The aim of an artist when looking for inspiration should be to “LIKE” some “WAYS” another artist works . Then try to incorporate those “WAYS” into their own work but NOT as is. I hope that makes sense!

As for me as an artist “I will get inspired”

2- Create or Develop further on my Style

Defination of “STYLE” can be very confusing just like getting “inspiration” . A style is something which you as an artist feels comforatble doing , and you are best at it . One can not copy or incorporate a style of another artist no matter how hard they try. In my openion a style doesnt come in a day or two it developes and flourishes from inspirations.

As for me as an artist” I will find what i am really good at and will work on it more”

3- Find my Style

Aha ! sometimes or most of the times we are struggling especially when we have just started working full time as an artist. trying to really have that AHA moment. The AHA moment is when you have found your style or maybe part of it . So look out for that AHA moments , stick to them !

Many AHA’s will combine togather to form a style .

As for me as an artist” Find that AHAs”

4-Write a blog post every week.

Well thats a tricky and hardest one for me , when i initially started blogging i had that full time drive to write . I wrote many Tutorials , blog posts and what not . At one time i was managing around 4 blogs in all. I had that drive to write , pasion to share . I lost it 🙁

For me that happened when i got overwhelmed ! dont do it … take one thing at a time to work on , baby steps i tell you … 🙂

As for me as an artist ” Write and publish atleast one blog post every week”

I will try to get back there but this time …. slowly.

5- Read more.

Reading opens up and sharpens a mind. Read often , read more . Not only the blog posts of another artist , articles by Artists but on various subjects. May range from Art in general to religion , philosophy , life sciences , technology and more.

As for me I will try to ” Read and get inspired ”

6- Explore and learn and practice

As Exploration and learning is important for a child growing up , i think in the same way an artist who is struggling is a child new to the world of Art and will only learn through exploration and learning .

Next step would be to incorporate what is learned into practice .

As for me i will “Explore and implement through practice”

7- A new artwork every week

The Exploration and learning has no home until it is put into practice . For an artist putting into practice is both Time demanding , need practice , need patience and needs a Get it Done approach.

As for me i will ” Create a new Artwork every week ”

PS and have it finished too!

8- Get social.

Yes by social i mean not only social on social networking sites , but also reaching out to local galleries , local art groups and more. Make friends on Social networking sites like Facebook , Instagram and twitter. Make friends with people that you can connect with and that connection not only keeps your mind at peace ( a requirement to create art ) . And also this will help you so much to get inspired and create more.

As for me “Get organized plan a social plan”

9- Create and achieve a monthly challenge.

Challenge yourself to achieve a bigger task broken into smaller tasks  . For instance if you are challenging yourself to have an art exhibit by the end of the year . Start acting now! challenge yourself to create 3-4 artworks per month the try to achieve a challenge that is small.

Break your bigger dream into small achievable challenges that you can achieve.

Good to make a list

As for me “Make a todo list of baby challenges that will finalize into bigger Target”

You may follow me on social networks for this i will be posting about my challenges hashtag-ed as #Doneitnow2015

10- Get it done!

I tell you twice while writing this post i was just about to leave it for later and finish at another time , but then , i am committing myself this year to have a Get it Done approach . I held myself up by the collar not to leave the screen until this one gets done .

There are tons of works in my drive that were left in between their progress and believe me 80% chances are there that you will not return back to it , as an artist you will have a new inspiration next time and you will be starting to work on the new inspiration! . So just Get it done Now!

As for me ” Just Get it Done Now” #Doneitnow2015

See my latest posts on social media tagged #Doneitnow2015 Join the conversation!

Believe me with all these in place you will now have a very peaceful sleep knowing that you did your best. Thats what matters the most. Do you agree with me on these? Do you have some points of your own through which other struggling artist like me also can benifit ? dont forget to share your thoughts in comments.