Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

What are the Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy?

Etsy is a marketplace that has very quickly gained popularity among the digital etsy sellers. I have compiled a list of 10 top digital downloads on Etsy that are the most popular ones among buyers and sellers.

Best Digital Products to sell on Etsy

If you are looking for a way to create a side hustle by selling digital products then you are in the right place as this list will serve as your go to guide with all that you need to know.

Need to start an Etsy shop? : Claim 40 Free Etsy Listings

“Note: Affiliate links may be used in this post. I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through my affiliate link. Read my full disclosure policy here.”

1- Canva Templates

Canva templates digital product Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

Canva Templates are one of the top selling digital product on Etsy. Since Canva is widely used and easy to use, simple and free graphic design tool for Artists and Creators it has become one of the widely used platform for experienced and novice graphic designers.

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How to Deliver a Canva Template as a Digital downloadable product ?

I have switched to Canva for 80% of my graphic deign jobs. Creating a digital download template in Canva is really easy.

all you have to do is to share the link to template create in Canva and upload and list it on Etsy.

Passiveinocme 1 Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

Creating beautiful mockups of the final preview of the download in action is a must. Over the years I have created and sold my own templates created in cava on Creative Market and Etsy.

Here is an Example

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Powered by Creative Market

How to share a Canva Template as a digital Download

After you have finished creating the template just go to share > then go to template > Canva will generate a link for you to share.

Step 1  : Create template design click on share

top etsy digital downloads Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

Step 1 : Click on template and copy the template link to share .

top etsy digital downloads2 Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

Simply add it to your downloadable file delivery, I prefer to create a beautiful PDF file that also gives instructions on how to use the template.

When anyone clicks on this template link that is inserted inside the pdf file they will be directed to Canva where they can make a copy and use the template.

Adopt their design into a brand new product make it editable and sell it on Etsy or any other platform or website

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Some of the top digital products categories of Canva Templates.

  • Cookbook templates
  • Canva template education
  • instagram templates
  • Facebook Header & Facbook posts Templates in Canva
  • Order forms
  • Coloring Book
  • Gift tag
  • Planner kits and Templates
  • Proposal Templates
  • Webinar Slides Presentations
  • Budget Planner Template
  • Journal Template

2- Printable Planners

If you are a planner girl like me then you know that how addictive planners can be. Once you get into the habbit of using planners then you just cant stop.

I have planners for everything ! ,

Even though I create printable planners myself I cant help myself and buy a few from other sellers as well. There are tons of ideas and creative planners that are perfect for various areas of your life.

digital planners Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

If you are student then at some point of your life you must have felt the need to manage your course material and study pattern.

Hence student binders and planners come in handy.

If you are a homemaker or homeschooling mom then you definitely need parenting and home management planners and pintables.

if you are small business owner then you might already have used or interested in using business planners that help to manage your online store and small business.

In short there is always a need for a planner in every area of ones life and it is being filled by creators. Etsy is one of the best resource if you are a planner girl and it is also one of the best seller digital download product.

Best selling digital planner printable ideas on Etsy.

  • Wedding Planner Templates
  • Business planner printable social media
  • Self Care Planner Printable
  • Weekly Planner Printable v
  • Adhd Planner Printable
  • Weekly Planner Printable 
  • Baby shower planner printable
  • Vacation planner 
  • Study Planner 
  • Social Media Planners
  • Monthly Planners
  • Daily Planner 
  • Budget Planner
  • Home School Planner
  • House Hold Planner 
  • Wedding Planner 
  • Teacher planner printable happy planner
  • self care planner printable 
  • teacher planner printable preschool
  • Small Business planner printable

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3- Events & Invitations

Throughout the year there are various events, either it is Valentines day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthday or Wedding Day. There is always a need for a printable invitation or a party decoration printable.


Events is another category of digital downloads on Esty that is well saturated but still makes a lot of money for the sellers.

A few of the best selling Esty shops are selling wedding and birthday invitations.

The sweet spot of earning more through selling digital printable invitations is when you decide a sub niche in events category.

From a variety of events birthday, kids birthdays or weddings, your Esty shop success is dependent upon how you can niche it down, since this is a really big category it is advisable to niche it down as much as possible.

Just like Canva Templates, as a digital seller you can design an invitation in photoshop or Canva and list the design on Etsy.

Once a design is purchased and you receive an order the final file delivery is done with the required edits done to the final file.

There are other platforms and services that link seamlessly with Etsy for seling process ease. These services are similar to Canva but developed entirely for a buyers perspective.

Once you sign up to these services as a seller, you will upload your invitation design to their designer hub. When an order is placed an instant file delivery link is emailed to the buyer. Through that link they can view, edit text and downloads the final file. For Example Corjil & Templett

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However there are stores that offer the manual design services as well, as sometimes clients do not want to spend time over edits and this way they have access to a graphic designer who will make final edits to the file and send a printable file.

Wedding Invitation Categories that sell the most on Etsy

Printable Wedding invitations
Wedding invitation with QR code
Wedding Planners
Wedding Planner Printable KDP
Wedding Planner Checklist
Wedding invitation kits
Wedding Signature Drinks
Wedding Signs
Minimalist Table Numbers Printable
Wedding Address Label Template
Wedding Budget
Wedding Program Maroon
Reception Games

Top Kids birthday Themes that sell well on Etsy

Over the years I created many cliparts and graphics that I used to create my own printables kids birthday invitations. Here are some of the best selling digital invitations categories and themes.

Water & Pool Party
Video invitation Birthday kids
kids birthday invitation text
Princess theme Kids Birthday Invitations
Mermaids Birthday Invitations
Water & Pool Theme
Animal Theme Birthday invitations
Kids Golf Birthday invitation

Get Started selling Birthday invitations using these commercial use graphics and cliparts

4- Coloring Books

Coloring books are one of the categories that sell very well as digital downloads on Etsy. The best sellers include simple printable coloring pages for kids and detailed intricate drawings in black and white available as a download.

printable coloring pages for adults pdf Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

Someone interested in Coloring Pages will purchase it once and print as many as they like. Being a coloring enthusiast this is a gold mine for a person like me. So as a creator and a seller this is also a great opportunity to make money selling my drawings.

5- Social Media Templates

After Creative Market , Etsy is the second largest resource for Social Media Templates. Some are made in Canva , infact most of these are now available as Canva themplates, as they are easy to modify and anyone with a little or no graphic design knowledge can easily modify them and save tons of time.

Social media templates are often sold as a bundle over at Etsy, this saves a lot of time if you are on multiple channels on social media. The buyer is mostly looking for a good template that they can easily modify and use quickly as the need arrises.

6- Business Resources

Another category of printables that sell well on Etsy is Business and Work planners, templates and workbooks. This is also a great find especially for small business.

business templates Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

During my recent research I found that Business Templates resources for Realtors is in high demand and not many sellers. Making it a perfect niche if you are thinking about making money selling printable resources.

Here are a few of the popular themes in business templates that are popular.

Excel Sheet for measurements,
Invoice Templates
Business Card Templates
Business Signs
Logo Designs

7- Wall Art

Etsy is a gold mine of Art Prints, this means two things one that you have a perfect market available right at your fingertips if you are looking to sell Printable Wall Art, Canvas art or Art prints through Etsy.

Having said that while there is opportunity the competition is high as well, there are so many artists and galleries that are selling wall art and art prints on Etsy. These range from fun nursery decor printables, to Abstract and Geometric , realistic and imagenary.

Should you decide to dip your toes in this side of selling printables, I would suggest that you should narrow down your products aiming to provide art to a smaller niche. This could be modern nursery wall arts, Abstract paintings , Calligraphy art or personalized or customized art prints.

It wouldnt be a wise decision to make diverse styles of artprints and not focus on a smaller niche instead.

8- Home Management

Who doest have a house and who doesnt want a well managed home, the home management biders and printables are available in wide number and selection options. Most of these printables are created by moms for moms, hence they really know how to manage a house.

Even if one is confused about home management, getting a good management binder will teach you a lot about how to manage it yoruself. There are many best selling binders and printables for home management including budget binders, grocery shopping, yearly cleaning , purging house and what not.

If you are someone who loves doing the same and has created a few for themselves then this is a perfect niche and sells very well on Etsy and it is one of the top selling digital printable category on Etsy, since the user base of Etsy is mostly women.

9-Teacher Resources

After TPT , Etsy is the best teachers resource. Teachers can download printable worksheets, yearly planners and graphics resources. I talk about the graphic design resources more in the next section but these graphics print well and teahcers use them often to decorate their classrooms or making lesson plans.

Some of the best selling teacher resources include Teacher planners, Student planners, Homeschooling printable resources and lesson plans.

10-Graphic Design Resources

Since nearly all of these resources stem from a skill of graphic design but still etsy is a great resrouce for graphic designers and artists alike. For any graphic or web design project you can dig right into etsy and find a resoruce.

Some of the best selling digital products to sell on Etsy in grpahic design field are website themes, wordpress themes, plugins , graphics, cliparts, vector resources, photoshop brushes, vector brushes and more…….

Conclusion : Etsy is a gold mine for sellers and there are many categories when it comes to best digital products to sell but if you are deciding to signup as a seller then you should closely look at your passion and currently what is your expertise. As nearly all of these categories that I have mentioned are best selling products on Etsy.

Best Digital Products to Sell on Etsy

40 free Etsy Listings – Sell on Etsy

If you are looking for 40 free Etsy Listings and earn money when you sell on etsy then you are in the right place . I have 40 free Etsy listings that works everytime!

40 Free Etsy Listings

This is an affiliate link and being a seller on etsy for the past 15+ years I personally believe that besides having a website of your own you can continue to sell on etsy.

Before I go further

Click here to claim your 40 free Etsy Listings

40 Free Etsy Listings – How to use?

Step 1 :

Simple hit the button below to claim your free listings and create an account on etsy.

Step 2 :

Create a shop on etsy using the link available on the top bar.

Step 3:

Start listing your products to sell on etsy and for the next 40 listings you will be charged nothing!

it is as simple as this!

So if you are curious about what to sell then i have previously written a post about how I create and sell products online and on etsy check out the article below

And if you would like to sell your art on other websites besides Etsy then check out this 15+ websites that allow you to sell your stock photo and illustrations online.




How to Start a Blog with WordPress in 2021

how to start a blog with wordpress How to Start a Blog with Wordpress in 2021

Wondering how to start a blog with wordpress in 2021?

How will you feel that finally, you were able to start a blog helping you not only to make money online while blogging but also present your work out in the world. Maybe sell your digital products online or maybe even your physical products?

You can start a blog with wordpress in 2020 and start making money online in a matter of minutes. Or you could finally, create a storefront and start selling from this? ,Be able to lead clients and direct them to your own self-hosted platform. All this and more like your own pretty domain name, Set up email addresses, newsletters and more.

in this posts series, how to start a blog with wordpress within next 24 hours.

We are going through times when that is allowing us to stop and look at our surroundings. Raise questions about who we are being, what is important and what needs to be done with. Maybe you are still struggling with your surroundings and they are keeping you busy enough that you don’t even get the time to reflect on who you are being and which direction to take.

For me this time out by Universe has given me a safe place to go within and shed out the unwanted. These unwanted items not only include, purging my home, decluttering my surroundings but also in a good way I am exploring new ways to expand my online business and work. I see so many people going through all of this as well.

Some have been busy all their life doing 9 to 5 jobs, they don’t even love or are passionate about. It is like dragging themselves to work every day, going through the workload, communicating and frustrated with a nosey boss. And now when they got the time out they are wondering if this is how they want to spend the rest of their lives?

Maybe you too in a state similar to this, maybe you were also forced to sit at home, maybe you too are wondering what if there is something else to life. Maybe you are struck by fear and are not able to do anything creative. It almost feels like running in a hamster wheel. Forced life, but for how long? will this ever end? you love drawing, maybe gardening, maybe painting, do you really have to wait for your retirement to do what you love doing?

This pivot may mean

  • Leaving your job and facing some uncertain times and wondering if you can too make money by blogging
  • Getting overwhelmed wondering ok here I am and I would love to spend more time doing what I am passionate about but how to begin where to start from and what are my next steps.

I am passionate about helping other creative women find their inner Creative Diva and start earning a living doing what they love by blogging and selling their creativity online.  And all of this starts from taking a single decision and setting a strong intention. If you are committed enough to make a change in your life, if you want to be one of the few who are strong enough to take a stand for their desires then allow me to take you by the hand and over the next few posts help you create a business doing what you love.

So in this post, I will share the initial tasks you can take right now starting today towards a strong business foundation. by setting up an online shop in less than 24 hours.

how to start a blog with wordpress in 2020 in 4 steps

  1. Choose a blog name and get a hosting
  2. Install WordPress in order to Start a blog
  3. Personalize your blog by installing a pretty and functional theme
  4. Add the right plugins to help you track data and traffic
  5. Consistently write great content that attracts your ideal client
  6. Monetize your blog by affiliated products or your own self hosted shop

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Step 1:

Get a domain name & Hosting in order to start a blog with wordpress

If you already have a domain name then it is great ! time saved ! if not here are. A domain name is a name that people can type in their address bars to find you. This post of mine intends to set up a website for you in 24 hours so I will not write tons about each and every step but I will guide you towards your end goal, that is …. an online shop!

–>> CLICK HERE TO Get a Domain name + Hosting for only $1 

So your name could be simply or or maybe you want to be creative and come up with something interesting for your blog name. The thing is it really doesnt matter!. Focus on just getting a name and dont get caught up and procrastinating over how good a name sounds.

I am recommending 1 and 1 Hosting for this because it is the cheapest solution out there right now, you begin with paying $1 for the Domain plus hosting for the first month and then $4 onward. For the domain name, $1 for the first year is included. I signed up for the business package and have hosted two of my website paying $8.

When you are paying this low you are lowering the mental barrier of setting up a website being expensive just go ahead give it a try what is there to lose? $1 for the domain name for the first year is ample time for you to know if you are committed to running a website.

Other recommended providers are Godaddy (Starting from $5 ) Blue Host ($3.95 free domain for first year and hosting)

What is the difference between the domain name and hosting?

I often get asked this question, believe it or not, this confusion even stops many of you from taking the first step. So a domain name is like getting a URL that can be typed in the search bar, and hosting is a place where you will upload your files to. These files will include your website data, product images, blog images files, and similar.

For people to access your website, they will be landed on a webpage hosted on your hosting provider. it will show the files you stored in the form of a homepage blog or similar.

Step 2

Installing WordPress on your hosting space.

Consider your hosting space ( which you paid $1 for the first month) links to your domain name Here is how you will do it inside 1and 1 hosting. But you will see that most of the hosting companies have similar Cpanels. Cpanel is the dashboard from where you can take various tasks from inside the hosting provider.

After you signup, you will log in to your Cpanel ( Hosing Dashboard) here is how this looks like

How to Start a Blog in 2020 and make money

how to start a blog with wordpress in 2020 and make money

You have icons presented in front of you with managing your domain name, creating email addresses, installing websites and stores, managing your hosting space, and your billing and account information. If you click on domains you will be able to see the domain name that you just purchased.

But to set up your WordPress Shop and blog you will head on over to the search bar on top of the screen and type install WordPress.

How to Start a Blog in 2020 and make money

Give your website a title and click Create Website. Something Like ” Julias Art and Workshops” or whatever, don’t worry you can change it later at any time.

Type in the administrator login ( the login you will use to access your WordPress installation) I would recommend keeping it long and not including word admin in it. Here is a screenshot of how this looks like

How to Start a Blog in 2020 and make money

Next, you will be presented with an option to install a managed WordPress just click on the second option

howtosetupwodpressonlineshop04 How to Start a Blog with Wordpress in 2021

Next, you will be asked to link a domain name to the WordPress installation. From the dropdown choose the domain name that you just registered with.

howtosetupwodpressonlineshop05 How to Start a Blog with Wordpress in 2021

And you are done!

Type the domain name in the URL space in your browser and your website is online!

Step 3:

Personalize your blog by installing a pretty and functional theme

For my 3 Blogs that I own i have been in a whirlwind for ages trying out different themes. The Theme in a wodpress means the whole design of the website. Think of WordPress installation as a skeleton and now you need to make it pretty. We are done on how to start a blog with wordpress now you should also think about making it pretty right?
I have added a list of recommended themes and alternatives to my own choice of wordpress theme ( Divi) in the checklist you can download it for free.

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I choose Divi as my website theme because it is so easiy manageable. And besides the designers and tons of users at DIVI provide all the documentation on how to make it best work for you. And if you ever get stuck somewhere there is always a vido or help out there to overcome that.

Ofcourse there are plenty of free themes out there a few of them I have mentioned in my checklist but I choose to go with a premium one as I prefer to get all the support I can get.

Here is link to get Divi theme if you are interested.

Here is how to install a theme on your wordpress blog

  1. Login to your wordpress wp-login
  2. Go to Appearance
  3. Click on themes
  4. Click on Add New
  5. Click on upload
  6. Once it is uploaded Activate the theme!

Step 4:

Add the right plugins to help you track data and traffic



How I create Digital Products from my illustrations

If you are seeking to make money from your art and by creating passive income while selling digital products and create a life of freedom here is a blog post that breaks it all for your. Perfect resource for how to sell art as digital products and make a constant flow of income out of it.

If you are seeking to make money from your art and by creating passive income while selling digital products and create a life of freedom here is a blog post that breaks it all for your. Perfect resource for how to sell art as digital products and make a constant flow of income out of it.

In this blog post, I am going to share with you how I make money selling my art as digital products So you can also see how easy it is.

Why do you really need to create digital products from your Art?

If you are an artist and you are creating drawings and illustrations every day then probably the next thing you would want to do is to sell them in any way. And selling them online is one of the most profitable, fun and easy way to make money while doing what you love.

The types of products that I create from my Art are clip art packs and digital invitations coloring books and of course courses.


When I am creating cliparts I start with creating an inspiration board. I use Pinterest to do that All you need to do is create a secret board and then pin various images on to it.

Related : How I use Pinterest to sell my Art on Autopilot

Then my next step is to create a related series of images that may range from 7 to 8 supporting images in the same theme. The next step is to convert all of these images as separate png and jpgs or arrange them in an EPS file for sharing.

After creating the complete set I usually package them in a Zip file and create a pretty looking preview graphic with some basic information typed as text.

My next step is to upload these preview images on various websites for sale, accompanied with the source files for sale.

A few of these websites are at the Creativemarket, Graphicriver , Art fire, Etsy and of course my own website.

Now when it comes to creating cliparts my go-to tool is Adobe Illustrator. You will have to use some photo editing software as well . You can also use canva for this but I prefer using photoshop. It really doesn’t matter, any photo editing software will help you create Pretty mockups and a preview Graphics for your clip art sets.

When it comes to making a sale it is really not difficult the main thing is that you stay consistent and create. I have seen people who have been creating and listing nearly every week for the past 8 to 10 years and their income from simply selling $1 and $2 per graphics set and making around 10 to 20k per month easily.

Besides this, if you save these graphics as EPS files and list them up on stock photo sites you will have another constant source of income.
Even if you are not familiar with Adobe Illustrator you have two options, number one you can use few of my tutorials completely free to get hands-on experience with Illustrator, or, if you are good at creating by hand maybe watercolor and painting, you can create separate icons scan them save them as jpegs and pngs package them and sell as cliparts.


Digital invitations

Another cool way to use your graphics and clipart is to create digital invitations and designs and sell them on various websites.

Here is how to do it

Simply create a digital invitation with some mockup placeholder party details just like cliparts you will need to create a fun looking mockup for these invitations to present as a preview for the potential buyer. Next up you are going to upload this invitation to various websites few of these websites are zazzle, Cafepress, Etsy or your own self hosted website.


It is really not that difficult to create and sell cliparts graphics PDF or printables using your images the one thing that is required is consistency and as well as Not overthinking the whole process.

Just keep creating and you will find the flow and once you do …. you will see some money Rolling In, this will definitely keep you motivated.

You really don’t have to overthink about and comparing your work with the rest of the world just list and put them up for sale a few of my drawings are really crappy but they are still making me sales once in a while so it doesn’t matter do not overthink or over judge you are maybe it will come to use for someone.

Just make sure that you are coming from my place of Mindset where you are sharing value with the world and when we give value, we get value in return.

Now it is your turn tell me do you already create digital products?

if so how you are creating them and where you are selling them I would love to know and if you are entirely new at this and you need some direction?

If this post resonates with you you might find these articles useful too.

Asmaa’ xo

Diary of a Small Business, Freelancer Artist : March 2020 Review

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. However, these are all products I use myself and thus highly recommend and support.

MARCH UPDATE : Life of an Artist

This past week I had been down with the flu. Although I was trying to keep myself content and high vibe, at one point I found myself in a panic mode.

There is too much media noise and then there is so much grief and fear around the world. And when you are a sensitive person like me, the fear and panic will rise at some time or another. We quarantined ourselves even before the virus spread reached an alarming number.

Which means all the more a solid reason to go inwards.
Revive old soul connection if needed. And review your place in the world.

As outbound flights were stopped, so did our Product based business of Wall Decals and Stickers. This nearly threw me banging my head on a wall.

I am guilty of not giving full attention to my digital products and graphics store. For the last couple of days, I reviewed my business direction and the dimensions it needs to spread into.

I revisited my Goals and the tasks that needed to be accomplished. And I did a lot of work!.

So the good news that came out of it is that my store is being stocked up!

I have been adding cliparts for easter, st patrick’s day cliparts, Art Prints and more. The current condition of the world, which ofcourse was unexpected gave me all the more reason to keep working on the digital aspect of my business.

I have read and seen so many graphic designers and artists going jobless during this time, which makes me think how I can help them in anyway. For now I have my Start Selling Art Online Ecourse ( which is free) to help you get started right now because it is never too late.


Now here are some of my actions that I took in the last few months which maybe you will find helpful in some way.



Got myself Ultimate Bundle Genius Bloggers Toolkit ( The best decision)

Yes I bought myself Ultimate Bundle’s Genius Bloggers Toolkit. This is one of the best decisions I made!. The bundle is jam packed with courses from some of the leaders in the industry. There is always room for learning and once you are doing business online you must keep yourself updated.

After learning so many things from so many people my mid is buzzing with ideas and ways to take my business to next level. I will be sharing my experience whenever I can through this blog and through my email.

Get Access to productivity Bundle

PROD20 Evergreen Devices JPG Diary of a Small Business, Freelancer Artist : March 2020 Review


Moved my Email list to SendPulse 

I have been using Mailerlite for a while now and I even mentioned it in one of my posts earlier about alternate email provider to mailchimp . But since I noticed that my email list needs cleaning up with so many people who signued up for Free 75+ Cliparts but never even opened their emails after that. The email list grew so much!. While there is no point in investing in upgrading the account if there is no return on investment.

Anyway I moved my list to Sendpulse I am loving the ease of use and how it is free upto 2400 email subscribers and even after that the cost is not as high as Mailchimp or mailerlite.

Favorite Podcasts this month

Happy Wealth By Elise McDowell

Oh My Goodness Podcast by Hayley Tapper

The Ed Mylet Show 

Manifestation Babe | Money | Mindset | Manifestation

Business Management Tools that I am loving !

Trello Boards ( used for project management)

2 Checkout for payment processing

Elegant Themes for clients and my own websites

Other Useful tools that I always recommend

My Go to Planner to Streamline my Creative Business Goals


Latest Products in Shop

How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

In this post you’re going to learn how I I go about creating digital product from my illustration and graphic design when you will come to know that how is he it is and how simple it really is.

 So why do you need to create various products from your illustration and graphic design?

Well if you are artist in a creative and you are looking for ways to sell your art online selling your illustrations and graphics as digital product it is one of the most profitable way a of earning extra income online.

How can I sell my illustrations online?

Below are few of the product ideas you can create and sell using your illustrations online

Physical products that I recommend to create and sell your illustrations online

HOW TO MAKE A How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

My Own Journey as a Graphic Designer // illustration Artist selling illustration and graphic design

You can see that there are plenty and tons of ways that you can use your art right now and start selling your art. I started first by selling my graphics on stock photo sites . Let me debunk the myth that only photographers can make money selling Photography through stock photo websites.

Illustration Artists like myself and graphic designers can do the same as well. My second venue was selling Vector Brushes Library that I used myself and these are a few of the products that still sell through my own website and Creative Market. Although I am no longer creating new packs but I still get revenue generated from these vector brushes created around 10 years back.

vb emb preview1 How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

Next up I saw some potential in creating clip art bundles from my illustrations that I was already selling on Stock Photo Websites. I created Clip Art Bundles of my own illustration and graphic design and started selling them through Etsy , Art Fire and my own website. Very quickly I was day and night creating clip arts and illustrations . That was the time when there were not many sellers on Etsy , selling on etsy was very much simple and easy.

Later I found out that Digital Stamps ( Black and White graphics with just outlines ) were also very popular so I started created packs of my illustrations in black and white drawings as well. Then I found out that people who were interested in Cliparts they were also interested in purchasing matching pattern backgrounds as well. So I started creating pattern packs too.

prev 1 How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things


At this point my work process looked something like  this

New illustration  > Stock photo sites > Conver to JPGs and PNGs and create ClipArt Bundles > Convert to seamless patterns > upload to stock photo sites > upload as a JPGs Pack to Etsy > Create outline > bundle as Digital Stamp > Sell through Etsy

Now since I already had all the necessary ingredients required to create invitations for kids I started another etsy Shop and started selling invitation designs as well.

Since my Dear Huby ( DH ) had some experience in printers we started selling Wall Murals and Stickers !!

How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

There is more to it and lots to it but my point is that Creating is itself creativity but when it comes to selling art online you have to be more creative . This journey doesnt end here it is just the begining , I have been dipping my toes into various venue and various ways to sell graphics But since that is a topic on another day.

Today I will continue with the ways you can start selling your graphics and Arts online right now.

Creating cliparts and graphic bundles using illustration and graphic design

 There are various websites from where you can start selling graphics and cliparts right from today when I started selling my graphics and illustrations online created simple clipart bundles and sold them through etsy for a while my shop it very well until I lost interest in creating more.

I was not only selling   I was not only selling cliparts but array to that were digital backgrounds  patterns and digital stamps if you are not familiar with digital stamps then these are just black and white white outlines that crafters used to create scrapbooking cards and use and their other projects which is in fact so such a fun way to use and I loved creating digital stamps

spamain creativemarket How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

Photoshop and Illustrator brushes

 Once you have created any of the illustrations or graphics in a simple in a similar theme you can convert these to Photoshop brushes if you are interested in learning and how to create Photoshop brushes you might want to read this article that I wrote a while back

 similarly like Photoshop brushes creating Illustrator brushes is a very much of a fun way a few of my Illustrator brushes pack have want me more than two thousand Dollars over the years.

 just imagine what is the potential of selling your art online

Untitled 1 How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

 Books and Workbooks

 If you are a writer or you love writing you can create beautiful books or workbooks not only for yourself but for clients as well you can offer a book cover Designing Service as well .

When I am creating e Books are usually draft them up in Google docs  and once I have finished writing all the content I I take all the content into canva and create ebook covers and workbooks easily if you are familiar with Photoshop and Illustrator then you can create this ebooks in Photoshop as well other option is using Apple pages I honestly find it so much better and simpler to use Google Dogs for the content and then canva for the graphics.

I always use canva to create book covers just because they have so many free features that you can use and as this makes the creation process fast as well and if I have something some other graphic that is specific I use Photoshop Illustrator to create this graphics.

coloringbook1 How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

Invitation Designs

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Creating invitation designs for kids birthdays is one of my passions I simply love creating birthday invitations and since I have created a big library of about 2000 or more graphics and illustrations over the years .Creating and selling invitation designs using those graphics is a no brainier .

All I have to do it is to drag this cliparts Islam and a few lines of text create beautiful Mockups and upload the a few of the  websites that you can sell invitation designs from Zazzle, Cafepress.

After selling through these websites for the last 10 years or so I have found that having my own self hosted website from where I sell this graphics an invitation from was the best decision that I took.

Planners and stickers

23 1 How to Use illustration and Graphic Design to Sell Things

 like invitation designs once you have a big library of clip art and illustrations then creating stickers and planners almost comes like the next big thing you can do using your graphics I believe in re-purposing one piece of art creating more and more.

 we live in a fast pace marketing driven era knowing multiple ways of earning passive income for an artist is the next in things. Creating multiple products is not a difficult thing the difficult thing about it is creating the actual graphics and after that you can use the same graphics again and again and think about many ways of selling it you can even sell it on t-shirts home decor items mugs and many other products and sell through COD websites or from your own self hosted website so creating a digital product from your graphics and illustrations is actually really simple when you don’t overthink it

Now I would love to hear from you do you have your own digital product created from your graphics illustrations and if so how do you create them which products are you creating let me know in the comments below


I have been using Adobe illustrator  for the last 15 years. And I highly recommend that if you are serious about dipping your hands in Graphic Design as your career OR seeking to earn passive income doing graphic design services then you must get acquinted with Adobe illustrator.

This blog is filled with tutorials that can help you learn illustrator you can get your Adobe illustrator Yearly Subscription ( 33% OFF) Here.

BUY Adobe illustrator

Diary of a Small Business, Freelancer Artist : August Review

Disclosure: There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. However, these are all products I use myself and thus highly recommend and support.


A lot of time Small Businesses online suffer and fall of the wagon when they have low sales. But I was compelled to share this month progress with other online digital sellers and small business owners in hope that this will somehow help other creative sellers like me .

In this post I will be sharing with you how I spent the month with THE low sales of the year time.I have been doing business online for a while now. But this summer had been the worst in terms of earnings but since there were not many sales to take care of I used the month of June for my own progress and spent most of the time learning a few tools and started integrating them in my own business.

There are two ways that you can face the “precieved failures ” . Either fight these times and take them as an opportunity of your growth or just kick it all goodbye. In the past as well I have shared with you some of my failed months but when i look back at them they were always there to teach me something. So How did this month go? Lets review.


Hired a Coach to get clarity ( FAILED Decision)

Since I had some time in my hands I joined some courses that helped me immensely to look into where I am going and what I am doing . I did hire a couch as well to help me pull through which turned out to be a really bad decision OR choice. Either way again an opportunity in disguise, this helped me clear out “Who NOT to hire as your coach! “. For us Artists there arent many coaches out there mainly because we are creative beings, we love to create art and already are stealing time from our busy life. This creative instinct helps us to move forward in our business but this also sometimes leads to frustrations when we are not able to see things moving forward.

For me the solution to turn my passion into biz involved learning new tech and then creatively twisting it to fit it into my own business using instinct and intuition.

Subscribed to Wham Bam Business Plan Business Plan for Small business owners

I can not be happy more ! , this has been one of the best decisions that I have made to date. Terra of Uncork Your Dork Provides her heart out in a well managed and maintained subscription plan. Wham Bam Business Plan takes you step by step through the various Phases of your business. Why I loved this community and subscription is that it has all the bits and bolts that you need to learn in order to run a business online.
In the past I have been a part of Various subscriptions and since my focus had been entirely on selling products instead on sales, those subscriptions were not helping me much. Although this subscription is also not focused entirely for sellers who are into creating and selling products but this is the best place you can know it all and implement into your business.

Being a member I can do have a special offer if someone else is interested you can signup using my link HERE and get $10 off for the first month and try it out yourself.

Successfully increased sales of Etsy using a few apps and tools.

I was successful in finding a go to business tools usage plan and have it streamlined. Nailing it and found out the best combination that fit my need. The first app in this list is Planoly for instagram, FriendsPlusMe for sharing my content to Google plus communities, Etsy Marketing Tool to autoschedule to Etsy ( get a 14 day free trial if you use this link) , Tailwind (14 day trial if you use this link to signup) to Schedule to pinterest and last but not the least a little script iMacros for Chrome to automate tasks. I will try to write a detail on all of these tools and share my blue print with you soon.


Stats for the month of August

Earned commission of stock photo sites ( I have talked about the details on these websites here)
Dreamstime $26.28 Last uploaded photo on this site 2010 ( I am no longer updating my content there )
Shutterstock $2.86 Last uploaded photo on this site 2010 ( no longer  updating my portfolio here)
Creative Market $10 Last uploaded photo on this site 2014 ( I rarely add something new now)
Wall Stickers & Murals Decalideas at Etsy $3000

istockphoto (12% off on photos when you use this link) 

Favorite Podcasts this month

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

Unshakeable by Tony Robbins

Positive Soul

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast

Manifestation Babe | Money | Mindset | Manifestation

Business Management Tools that I am loving !

Trello Boards ( used for project management)

2 Checkout for payment processing

Elegant Themes for clients and my own websites

Other Useful tools that I always recommend

My Go to Planner to Streamline my Creative Business Goals

September Followers Goals

  • Blog Subscribers: Increase the numbers of followers and traffic July 2,400 in August 2,301 Goal Sept is 3,301
  • Instagram Followers: 784 followers Gaol 1,000
  • Pinterest: 2,232 followers , Goal 2,500 –  Monthly viewers 131,473 , Goal 1,50,000
  • Email List : 1,230  Goal 1,500
  • Open 2 new Pinterest Group Boards and grow them 
  • Autoschedule Instagram 15 Days content and streamline the process. (I am using Planoly)
  • Autoschedule tweets 15 Days content (I am using Postplanner)

3 Diary of a Small Business, Freelancer Artist : August Review


Start Selling Online


Choose the right Hosting for your WordPress Blog! Your No.1 most important step to be an independent Blogger!


Join millions who have already used the webs most successful Theme ever to build your Blog! “Divi Theme Builder”


Use my favorite Email Marketing Service to build a community of raving fans + potential customers with ConvertKit!


My favorite Pinterest Scheduler “Tailwind” is making all the difference when it comes to skyrocketing your Blog Traffic!


Implement a Trustworthy payment processor to receive Sales earnings with ease


Join the community for creatives and Artists making money online selling Art

How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic

I am so excited to be writing this post! , why ? because I know how much value this is going to bring you. If you have an etsy shop or you are thinking about opeing one OR wondering how to start an etsy shop .

Chances are you are struggling with driving traffic to your shop and etsy listings. I was once there… I used to struggle day in and day out and my etsy listings refused to show up in page one or even near that!

And then one day (actually it took years for me to figure it out)  I was finally able to figure it out and was able to successfully bring my listings ranking on the first page.

I was blown away! so excited ! the whole world of SEO for Etsy seemed like a foreign language and a divinci code to me before that I wished I would finally figure out. But infact the whole thing is just a matter of a few tweaks. Today I am feeling excited being able to share this with you.

Disclaimer:  I am not an EXPERT in SEO and I do not claim to KNOW IT ALL. There can be various ways to show up on etsy’s first page, having tried many ways this is the way that worked for me and I am putting this out there in hope that this will help other struggling Artists and crafters trying to make money online or wondering how to start an etsy shop .

Below are some of the Fundamentals of creating a perfect etsy lising. In my upcoming posts I will be sharing with you the tools that I recommend to help you with the process.

How to start an etsy shop and rank on first page of etsyHow to start an etsy shop 3 How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic

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For your very basic understanding The skeleton of an etsy listing consists of the following parts

  • The title
  • The description
  • the tags
  • the images

Now lets understand the importance of each of them.

The Etsy listing Title

Etsy provides a space for around 140 characters for you to create a title for the product. in order to create a traffic driving etsy title you can break it into 3 parts.

the beginning

the middle and the rest

Do your long tail keyword research and place your long tail keyword in the very beginning of the title. A long tail keyword is a specific keyword that describes your product, it has a strong search potential on etsy and also on google and it comprises of 3 or more words.

for the middle and the rest you will place your OTHER keywords that also have strong search potential.

So your title could be something like this

Long Tail Keyword, 2nd Choice keyword, 3rd keyword, 4th keyword, 5 keyword, describing words for rest of space.

In my upcoming posts I will help you discover and find these Long tail, 2nd, 3rd , 4th and 5th keywords.

The description

The description is the place where you will entice and grab your customers attention. Your customer has gone through a process and finally landed to your listing now it is upto you to sell your product. imagine you are walking into a store and a woman comes in front of you she is selling a scarf. How do you imagine she will approach you that you fall in love with the scarf enough to open up your wallet.

Here is a scenario

She walks up to you dangles the scarf in front of your eyes and goes on …..
“This scarf is made of wool, the thickness of the wool is perfect for a scarf and it took me 10 days to make it buy it”


She talks about “How this scarf will benefit you” “How this will help you keep the cold away” and “Why this purchase is going to be a good decision”

There you have it ! she sold you the scarf when she talked about YOU not How .

It is as simple as that.

Craft your description with an attention grabbing statement, followed by the problem provide a solution and then give a call to action.

We will be talking just about these parts of a perfect description in the coming posts.

 The Tags

OK , so now you are at the part which actually makes your shop show up in search results, The Tags!. Remember the perfect title that you crafted? take that title and write various tags out of it , various options and possibilities using the keywords used in the title and dont forget to add the descriptive words as well.

The images

Etsy provides 10 images spaces to upload various photos. Use all of them! this does help in how healthy your etsy listing is . A picture is worth a thousand words use your photo space wisely and tell your story!

Ready to craft your own listing?

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How to start an etsy shop 1 How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic