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An expressive shining eye tutorial :Part 1

PreviewBig An expressive shining eye tutorial :Part 1

This tutorial will show you how to create an expressive eye as part of a portrait , This is a follow up tutorial of How to create lips using mesh tool ….

The tutorial will be in two parts , in the first part i will explain how to create the eye drawing and then creating the pupil ….We will start by drawing out an eye in outline using the pen tool . Since i will be more concentrating on other tools rather than pen tool i am begining by understanding that you have basic knowledge of pen tool .

So in step one we will draw some basic out line of the eye , this is our drawing that we will be following throughout the tutorial .

Next we will create a bunch of hair growth using the pencil tool .this is freehand drawing of a few lines and then smooth them out using the smooth tool this is the result

001 An expressive shining eye tutorial :Part 1

Which we will save as a symbol .

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Create and copy an oval shape as seen below

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Fill it up with a dark shade

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we will use the crystalize tool in order to distort the pupil shape. This tool is found as seen above in your tool pallette. Double click it to open up the dialogue box. And adjust options as seen which might vary depending on your drawing size . So try to follow the preview of the result. 005 An expressive shining eye tutorial :Part 1

Here is what i got after crystalizing my silightly oval shape , dont forget to keep a copy of the original shape.

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Resize it as seen here

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Select the big circle of the pupil make a copy of it and follow the crystallizing options for the same as well.

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Here is what i got

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Arrange your shapes

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Place the Crystallized pupil over the original one. This is for the bigger one.

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and similarly for the second ones. Here is a pallette of colours that i am using to create the shades of the pupil you can click on these boxes to pick out the colour values if you like. Shade the appropriate shapes accordingly . The darkest shade goes inside the eye.

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Create a copy of the darkest shade ie smallest circle and apply gradients as seen

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Place the original circle on top of it. Apply a dark gradient to it.

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Now we will work on the white area of the eye and below you will see the shades i will be using as the reference

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About Asma Murad

an illustration artist and eCommerce enthusiast who loves painting and chocolates! I share tips for fellow creators on selling their art online through digital marketing. Let’s create and grow together! Contact me

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