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New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

[private]logo02 New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

It has been a while since i posted any of my works! . During the last few weeks i have been working on Blog Design for Cultura . Here are a few notes on the work process involved.

Project inspiration

The client was looking for an extreme grungy and street inspired look. His main inspiration was one of my preivious blog designs Visualbitts & A wallpaper i designed for One8edegree Studios. Below are the wallpapers.

id one8degree ii by one8edegree New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

one80 studios id by one8edegree New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

The blog design which the client liked is a blog i am currently working on and it is not quite finished. Since i am more inclined towards visuals and aesthetics so i am not much of a coder when it comes to wordpress. At times like these i turn to our friends at One8edegree Studios headquarters. Due to my lack of time dedication to the blog it is still under coding phase. Anyway here is the design

visual block theme by one8edegree New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

The Outcome

Following reviews by the client here is what i ended up creating

blog design for streetcultura by one8edegree New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

The Ingredients

As you know i offer freebies through this site , these freebies are mostly the elements of designs that i created for the client or use in my library . Created for a specific project or likewise here i used the 34 Cool Pencil Shading Sketch Doodles! .

The logo

As client was logo-less i played around with the header and the text to place the text . After site launching client was in need of a logo !! . Following the instructions i created this design to replace or Fill the use of logo for print in different magazines.

logo02 New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it[/private]

manychat New Blog Delivery :-Cultura How i did it

About Asma Murad

an illustration artist and eCommerce enthusiast who loves painting and chocolates! I share tips for fellow creators on selling their art online through digital marketing. Let’s create and grow together! Contact me

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