Since i started working more towards wall decal stickers , i am constantly coming across getting a better file output , that is clean and more workable .
So in search of tools of a better work accomplishment scripts play a very practical part.
1-Create Calendars Automatically in Illustrator
It was possible through InDesign to create Calendars till now , but not anymore this practical script does the job for you , and what is wonderful is that it is regularly being modified to work better!
2-Fit Text Frame to Content
Expands the text box to fit overset type
3-Find and Replace Graphics
This script is especially useful to turn generic path objects (say from the GIS) into proper Illustrator “Symbols” or to swap out one set of generic path objects for another.
4-Place Multiple Files in Illustrator
This script will allow you to (import) place multiple files as separate named layers from a designated folder to a new Illustrator document. The files are all placed at once, you don’t get to control individual placement (but of course you can modify location after the script runs). Script should work with CS2, CS3, and CS4, both Mac and Windows
5-MultiPage 4 for Illustrator CS3 and CS4
Produce and publish in one environment! Create multiple pages in Adobe Illustrator and export or print multiple pages with ease. Version 4 supports PDF, JPEG and EPS export of multiple pages for enhanced web and print design. Use MultiPage to export or simply navigate between pages for essential organization and ease.
6-Wolfgang Reszel’s Javascripts for Illustrator
Includes an exhaustive cross listing to additional scripts for Illustrator.
- WR-closeAllPaths
- WR-usedColors
- WR-descaleImages
- WR-replaceColors
- WR-DateAndTime
- WR-SaveAndCloseAll
- WR-removeDuplicates
- WR-autoClipImages
- WR-capitalSize
- WR-scaleLikeTopMost
- WR-deEmbed
- WR-collect
- WR-Animate
- WR-reversePathDirection
- WR-pathResolution
- WR-ImagePrintRes
7- 27 John Wundes’ Javascripts for Illustrator
This is a growing library of Javascript scripts written by John Wundes to extend the functionality of Adobe Illustrator.
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