** Please read important!
1-Login to your hosting account in this case i am currently hosting my site at HostMonster , usually the Cpanel is the same . 2-After you login to CPanel Look for PHP My Admin 3-Now look for Databases Tab And then click on the appropriate Database you want to export user list from After the Database open look for the Query Tab on the top And now you must run a Query! In this Tab you will look for the following box ie Use Tables > Select Wp-users Next Since our Mailing list requires the list in the following order Username , User Email Address , User Display name I chose the following option for the Query. Hit Update Query and you will get something like this Hit Submit Query Button and you will get a full list of users something like this Click on Select All ( located at the end of the list) Now click on the Export button located at the end of the list and in the next window that opens use the options or set them up according to your mailing list provider , ie how to separate the id , email address and name by , or ; My selection is the following And now i hit go to save the CSV file , ready for my use!
Please Note!
**I have very limited knowledge of handling database and coding , i am more of a designer that too self taught 🙂
this is just a presentation of How I export my CSV file . Please do not play around with the database if you do not have enough understanding of what you are doing . I/this site will take no responsibility if you experience any difficulties in the final outcome or any loss of data while you are following this tutorial. It is more of a recording and blogging on my part to save my everyday learning experiences.
I hope this helps you somehow though ! 🙂 Happy exporting![/private]