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What content would you like to see more on this blog


I need your help! , As an aivault’s reader you do know that this blog was once more active , and still gets love from some of the leading graphic design and illustration tutorials and resources blogs but it is being neglected by me 🙁 , sadly , i got distracted along the way and the blog was a bit left out .

Wanting to come back and write up again , i want to add some tutorials and more content to the blog that i learned during this time of absence.

What content would you like to see more on this blog

Since aivault had been my experience and leaning notebook , and also for others , i had been sharing what i learned new with others , i want to do that again after spending time , learning new ways to emerge as a successful artist.

In the comments below, tell me  some suggestions! . on what kind of content would you like to see on this blog.

Thank you so very much for taking time to read my blog and staying around!




About Asma Murad

an illustration artist and eCommerce enthusiast who loves painting and chocolates! I share tips for fellow creators on selling their art online through digital marketing. Let’s create and grow together! Contact me

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