I will be challenging myself every month with a new challenge where i will use a specific subject and create illustration with it . You are also welcome to join me in the challenge .
The fascinating thing about challenging yourself to draw and create is that you are connecting with other people working on the same theme , while you get a chance to improve yourself .
this has become a little habit of mine that after a while when i find my work coming to a stale stop in terms of new art, i challenge myself , this was done in the past by me as well when i challenged myself to draw 100 illustrations doing 5 per day.
This month’s Challenge is Sports!
yes draw something related to sports post it to your blog or site or any gallery and come back here and submit the link to it .
1- You must draw a vector image
2- you can enter an image that is done previously by you , it doesn’t have to be new.
3- You must use the in links submit link to submit image and linking it to your post . The post must include the i draw vector button.(code at the end of the post)
4- there should be only one image in your submission post.
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How taking part in this challenge helps you .
You enjoy the link back opportunity to your site , your work gets exposure , your work improves!
it is a nice idea to comment on other artists work links and appreciate it is so nice to get feedback on your work you know this too as much as i do!.
The Button link Code to insert in your post
<a href="http://www.aivault.com/"><img title="i Draw Vector Challenge" src="http://www.aivault.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/challenge.jpg" alt="i Draw Vector Challenge Submission" /></a>
WINNER PRIZE SPOSORED BY AiFactory illustrations
Best illustration wins $50 COUPON
Are you a business interested in sponsoring our next challenge? contact me
View the previous challenges
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