How to increase sales of your Online Shop one task at a time.
This post contains affiliate links , But be sure that I do not share what I have not tried myself in the past!. If you have any inquiries regarding my recommended tools dont hesitate to contact me via email admin
This post is a Five part series Your are here:-
Part 1 <<———
There will be times when you will simply cant find a way to increase your sales. Although there are multiple factors involved and you can be working on each of them incrementally but then there are always times when you dont feel like doing your very obvious next step.
Reason for not working towards your obvious next step for business could be either you have a fear of facing the large task at hand, or you might feel bound by some tech issues OR you simply dont fieel in the ZONE to create something. So what do you do online that will also help you increase your overall sales?
I have got you covered Babe!
Below is a list of the tasks that you can choose from and each is aligned towards your One Goal of Increasing Sales Online.
These tasks will come in handy if you have your own website selling anything online or you are selling your services or digital goods online. Even if you have a third party POD website or your own store, Self hosted or third party hosted store like etsy, zazzle or creative market.
Lets dig right in! But first a nice big stretch to get you outa that unable to move forward zone!
Ready now? Lets do this….
1- Create 2-3 pins for each product
Pinterest has proved to be number one traffic driver for my business, therefore in this particular post I will focus on using Pinterest as the main source of driving traffic . I have written in depth about my Pinterest strategy in another blog post you can access it right here.
2- Create 1-3 Pinnable long images for your most
popular posts
This one could be huge!
I have been having tricking sales but then I created a few Pinable images of my products (2-3 images for the same landing page), and uploaded them to Pinterst using the upload pin feature.

here is the example images that are leading to either the same product or to the section of the product.
For product these images could include
How to use your product, Tutorials that are step by step showing usage of your product or your product in action.
Similarly you can do the same for the same blog post. Create 2-3 images with different headlines that you can pin, these pins are leading to the same blog post but the headlines or text on pins could be different. Below you will see images created for the same product.
3-Find your most visited page of the blog and embed
your newsletter signup form to it.
The tools that I recommend to create your newsletter and optin forms are
You can easily find out the most visited page from your google analytics dashboard. The page that is getting the most hits is the one you should be adding your signup form to first and foremost . Even when you dont have an enticing offer.
But it is in your best interest that you create a juicy offer or optin that is good enough for a visitor to hand over their email address to you.

4- Pin your pins to various group boards
5 – Schedule your new pin to go out to different group
Ahhh… the glorious group boards ! you can search for top group boards through PINGROUPIE website OR another tip is to find a person who is either selling similar products as yours or have the same interest as yours.
Now check out which group boards they are posting to and then send out a request to join those group boards. Post regularly to these group boards this will for sure bring in some new eyeballs to your business.
6- Feed your Tailwind to Autopost your pins to different boards
Set some time aside each week to feed your Tailwind so you dont have to waste your time pinning images. For those of you who dont know Tailwind is a tool that I looooooove and recommend for helping you uplevel your pinterest and as a result increase your sales and traffic through pinterest.
7-Feed your boardbooster to loop pins from your
popular boards.
I loved this little handy tool…. sadly it is no more available so just lets move on to the next to-do task.
8- Scroll through pinterest for inspiration and new ideas
I love spending time on pinterest, and sometimes you do need some inspiration to get you started. Keep in mind to set up a timer for you once you are browsing for inspiration and not get carried away wading through pages and pages without any track of time.
9- Create a new Trello board to record your new ideas add images to support that idea.
I love using Trello to plan and organize my business. Here is a screeshot of how I use to manage my ideas through Trello.

Although I use Boards to create content calendar , product delivery process and customer service too , thats a story for another day. Right now you can get browsin’ the WWW and gather some ideas and inspirations up in the relevant Lists inside Trello… easy peasy and handy!
I usually create a Main List inside the board where I can dump ideas as I go, I also like to add WHY I liked this idea. The reason why I do this extra step is that almost everytime when I return to my brain dump list, I almost everytime forget why I added it to Dump list in the first place.
Later I move the ideas to relevant category lists on the same board, mine are Art Prints , Products , Sticker ideas and similar while you can create whatever suits your need.
10- Give a deadlines to your top 3 ideas
This one is big! , by BIG I mean some fears will arise and probably they have been there for ages that is why you haven’t been able to accomplish the ideas or products. I have shared the Journal prompts workbook to overcome these fears of success which can be accessed in the tribe library as well.
But the simple step of committing to its completion using a visual deadline in your calendar takes you one step further in reaching your goal. In case you are facing issues reaching your goals now and in the past then I will suggest that you use the Goal Planner System that I use (psst… its on a special price)
This post is a series of 5 posts filled with tips and tricks to increase your sales. Check back later or subscribe to the blog for the full list as it gets published.
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