[private]My personal interest range from cooking , interior , blogging , designing , sewing and everything that has to do anything with creativity. And there are so many inspirational findings out there , when i set myself up to create something i always look around and try to find inspiration in everyday objects , not just looking at the graphical inspirations. So at times i am just so thrilled and excited to see creativity that i am overwhelmed !. But this helps me brush up my creativity and think beyond the regular and ordinary … i hope this makes sense.. LOL 🙂 . Anyway Since you must have noticed that i am coming back to blogging now and i have plans 🙂 , yes i do! , i hope to stick to these creative adventures that i have all planned in front of me . Anyway i will share with you today and in the coming weeks some inspirational findings just to boost up my and your creativity ( provided that if this interests you ofcourse) . So today when i sat myself up in front of this wonderful window to the creative world here is what i found and loved.
Latest in Home Office Home Design Photos
I love ALL these setup work from home offices , these days i am looking for ways to make my workspace more workable so this is a cool collection of all interesting workspaces.click here to go to full collection
The Giant Golden Book of Birds
Illustrated by Arthur Singer published by Golden press , 1962 this Book of birds holds some very nice detailed vintage illustrations , perfect source of inspiration for my next vintage inspired project . Vintage Kids Books Talks about this book over here
Top 10 Handy WordPress PDF Plugins
A cool collection of Handy wordpress PDF plugins complied byinvestintech
Create realistic glossy glass tomatoes with liquid in them
Waaay tooo cool tutorial from Alfoart.com Check it out!