Changes i made to monetize my blog

I can truly say that this blog is dead in terms of earning revenue , i have been using this blog to pour down whatever my heart desired but i never took time out to monetize it .
Well i think now is the time
When one is an artist and a blog is a playground then we rarely think about monetizing it . but i think i will give it a try.
I realize that i have all the necessary ingredients already available on this blog i just need to make a few changes .
So starting this month i will try to update you with a monthly income report of this blog and i will also share with you the steps that i took along the way .
The changes i made and i found useful

So to begin with right now i will not be sharing the income report that will be posted by the end of the month


Below are few of the changes that i made.

Changes i made to monetize this blog.

1- I upgraded my hosting SERVICE

My current hosting provider is Hostmonster. I have been using their services since last 12 years . During that time the biggest mistake i made was to shift host once when i felt the need of up gradation . But now i am back to hostmonster again and this is where i am staying with this blog.

2-Uplifted the blog theme

I have been using Fabric Child Theme running on Genesis frame work . The theme stayed there for the whole time while i stopped posting on this blog. Now once i decided to run this experiment of monetizing this blog my first thought was to change the theme .

I needed an eCommerce platform so i looked around and decided on Bazar theme bought via theme forest. I love how i can easily integrate the ability to sell and while doing that have a clean look of the website that is responsive as well.

2- Added Adsense ads

I have tried using Adsense in the past but not with much luck. But now again i have added a few of them in the side bar .

3- Added a storefront for Graphics

With Bazar theme it was easy to add the store front to the blog , now the home page opens to some content from the store and some from the blog.

4- Social Editorial Calendar planned.

Ok i am not that much of an expert but i took some time out to lay down a social editorial calendar . I have found a few tools useful to make it practical . And i hope to make it work for me.

5- Re-linked and Organized

This one single task is such a big one and believe me i am still working on it . I re categorized the posts . Used a few plugins that helped me get this worked out smoothly  . And then changed the header links entirely.

6- Exported my Etsy shop

I am Done with Etsy!
yes i do not plan to work more towards my etsy Aifactory shop ,
i do not plan to update the shop at etsy with new contents. So i exported all the listings from from Etsy , took a while to figure out how to but phew , its done!

If you are interested in how to start a blog you can read about it in my previous post .

Do you have any experience working towards monetization of a blog? any ideas and suggestions? don’t forget to leave a comment if you do have any suggestions for me.


I always try to share premium resources with my readers in every blog post that I share around selling graphics online, various reviews of tools and resources that help you on your passive income journey make sure to subscribe to my blog or newsletter if you are interested in learning more about selling passively online.

Once you have these premium high resolution royalty free clipart with commercial use rights,  you can just set up your etsy store and start selling products right away.

You can grab this valuable resource that is absolutely FREE by clicking the blue button above👆

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