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How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic

How to start an etsy shop 3 How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic

I am so excited to be writing this post! , why ? because I know how much value this is going to bring you. If you have an etsy shop or you are thinking about opeing one OR wondering how to start an etsy shop .

Chances are you are struggling with driving traffic to your shop and etsy listings. I was once there… I used to struggle day in and day out and my etsy listings refused to show up in page one or even near that!

And then one day (actually it took years for me to figure it out)  I was finally able to figure it out and was able to successfully bring my listings ranking on the first page.

I was blown away! so excited ! the whole world of SEO for Etsy seemed like a foreign language and a divinci code to me before that I wished I would finally figure out. But infact the whole thing is just a matter of a few tweaks. Today I am feeling excited being able to share this with you.

Disclaimer:  I am not an EXPERT in SEO and I do not claim to KNOW IT ALL. There can be various ways to show up on etsy’s first page, having tried many ways this is the way that worked for me and I am putting this out there in hope that this will help other struggling Artists and crafters trying to make money online or wondering how to start an etsy shop .

Below are some of the Fundamentals of creating a perfect etsy lising. In my upcoming posts I will be sharing with you the tools that I recommend to help you with the process.

How to start an etsy shop and rank on first page of etsyHow to start an etsy shop 3 How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic

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For your very basic understanding The skeleton of an etsy listing consists of the following parts

  • The title
  • The description
  • the tags
  • the images

Now lets understand the importance of each of them.

The Etsy listing Title

Etsy provides a space for around 140 characters for you to create a title for the product. in order to create a traffic driving etsy title you can break it into 3 parts.

the beginning

the middle and the rest

Do your long tail keyword research and place your long tail keyword in the very beginning of the title. A long tail keyword is a specific keyword that describes your product, it has a strong search potential on etsy and also on google and it comprises of 3 or more words.

for the middle and the rest you will place your OTHER keywords that also have strong search potential.

So your title could be something like this

Long Tail Keyword, 2nd Choice keyword, 3rd keyword, 4th keyword, 5 keyword, describing words for rest of space.

In my upcoming posts I will help you discover and find these Long tail, 2nd, 3rd , 4th and 5th keywords.

The description

The description is the place where you will entice and grab your customers attention. Your customer has gone through a process and finally landed to your listing now it is upto you to sell your product. imagine you are walking into a store and a woman comes in front of you she is selling a scarf. How do you imagine she will approach you that you fall in love with the scarf enough to open up your wallet.

Here is a scenario

She walks up to you dangles the scarf in front of your eyes and goes on …..
“This scarf is made of wool, the thickness of the wool is perfect for a scarf and it took me 10 days to make it buy it”


She talks about “How this scarf will benefit you” “How this will help you keep the cold away” and “Why this purchase is going to be a good decision”

There you have it ! she sold you the scarf when she talked about YOU not How .

It is as simple as that.

Craft your description with an attention grabbing statement, followed by the problem provide a solution and then give a call to action.

We will be talking just about these parts of a perfect description in the coming posts.

 The Tags

OK , so now you are at the part which actually makes your shop show up in search results, The Tags!. Remember the perfect title that you crafted? take that title and write various tags out of it , various options and possibilities using the keywords used in the title and dont forget to add the descriptive words as well.

The images

Etsy provides 10 images spaces to upload various photos. Use all of them! this does help in how healthy your etsy listing is . A picture is worth a thousand words use your photo space wisely and tell your story!

Ready to craft your own listing?

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How to start an etsy shop 1 How to start an etsy shop series: How to craft a perfect Etsy listing to skyrocket your traffic


About Asma Murad

an illustration artist and eCommerce enthusiast who loves painting and chocolates! I share tips for fellow creators on selling their art online through digital marketing. Let’s create and grow together! Contact me

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