Fear Vs Flow What is your Creator Mode?

sell illustrations online
If you are an artist and want to sell stick illustrations online or just your Art the one thing to focus on is mindset practices. When you are working from fear your art will not bring you any money as well, this article covers how you can make money from selling your art with the right mindset. Check out more on Sell Art online from aivault.com

If you are an artist and want to sell stick illustrations online or just your Art the one thing to focus on is mindset practices. When you are working from fear your art will not bring you any money as well, this article covers how you can make money from selling your art with the right mindset. Check out more on Sell Art online from aivault.com

I remember back in 2002 when I really got into blogging, I loved what I did so much so that I would wake up at 4 AM to write my next blog post. I had no idea why I HAD to blog but I did. At that time, I had gone through a phase of trying to find adobe illustrator tutorials as I was starting out. I couldn’t find any online.

So what I did was to turn to help section of Adobe and then create something. That’s how I learned. But once I was confident enough and I even started to sell stock illustrations online I knew that there are others like me in the initial stages of learning illustrator who needed help.

So I started writing illustrator tutorials. What I am trying to say here that I had the passion and drive to create and I was coming from a place of giving. As a result what I received was a sense of achievement, feeling of being in the flow where I was just doing what I loved to do. And that drove me to wake up early when my little one was asleep and write out my next piece of content.

RELATED: 38 Adobe Illustrator Tutorials to get you started

Hence flow to me is a combination of doing what you love doing, having a passion for it, and added drive of bringing joy to someone else’s life as well. At that time I was living in a shabby house and I was barely making any return on what I was doing. But… I was free from a weight of fear.

Fears………….. Ah… that’s what takes you away from the flow.

Fear of tomorrow

Fear of what might come

Fear of what might happen

Fear of loss

Fear of scarcity

Fear of lack

Fear of loosing

and the list goes on and on.

Fast forward life got busy I “burdened” myself with many fears as a result

I lost the passion to create something for free! because I was overcome by “need” to make ends meet, I started weighing if my actions were in fact bringing me cash in return. I stopped doing things that brought me “joy” and started focusing on things that brought be “money”.

I went into the mode of hustle and I went head-on in the mode of grind.

As a result, I was overwhelmed, overcome with fear in many shape and form, my art was not bringing me joy.

I was lucky that I noticed that, I saw what I was doing and started looking for ways to overcome that and return to my “Zero State” yes that’s where all the joy happens that is where are is created from that is where you get to make money…….

So what is a “Zero State” ? And how can you be in one?

It took me time to come back to zero state, lots of journaling, lots of forgiving, lots and lots of giving up and surrendering. I can better explain this with an example.

When we come into life, we are at a zero state, that is a complete zero state, you don’t owe anything to anyone, you don’t fear anything, you don’t have to do anything, there arent many things that you should do.

So all the Owe someone, forgive someone, have to and shoulds and shouldn’t s aaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll it does is to take you away from your state of joy and a state of being in flow. To achieve this I use journaling, and that is how I come back to state of joy and I wouldn’t be wrong to say that this is how I make money!.

PS : I just added how to come out of fears workbook to the resource library

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So my question to you today is are you in your “Zero State”?

Have you ever experienced it?

Have you experienced flow?

How will you describe it?

Hit reply and let me know!



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